Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Lack of Blogging, American Idol, and Ultragrrrl...

Well, I haven't been writing too much lately, and totally dropped the ball on this one, but I just noticed that Ultragrrrl recently blogged about my latest favourite American Idol contestant. Oh my god, I can't believe I just admitted to watching American Idol - but it's the first time since season one, I swear. Anyhow, my favourite contestant right now is Jason Castro (you just have to hear this guy TALK and you will love him), and as usual, ultragrrrl sums up exactly why:

Jason Castro is unlike any boy i have ever loved. His hair hasnt been washed in ages, but not in the same way that boys i typically like dont wash their hair -- which is just let that shit get so greasy that it's gonna get processed and turned into a fossil fuel. He's got those dumb dreadlocks. They're so fucking horrible... BUT OH MY GOD, DO I LOVE HIM.

....then goes on to say:

Watching his performance, i swear there were heart shapes flying from my eyes straight to the tv. i want to lay on some grass field with him as he hands me little flowers. I want to trade in my black clothes and wear nothing but flowery bullshit and get rid of my JPG perfume and buy a ton of patchoulie oil.

I want to go back to college and get a bachelor's degree just so I can meet someone like Jason Castro and hang out in his dorm room as he plays me his shitty music and make me listen to his Seal covers.

etc. etc.

As for the other contestants, I love the blonde girl Brooke as well, as well as the Australian guy, and cute David Archuletta.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Alan McGee Blogs About Metric

For some reason I had forgotten about Alan McGee who I wrote about here last April. I just got around to catching up on his blog earlier today. Back in January he wrote a great article about the Canadian band Metric and I was reminded that not only do I love Metric, but also Alan McGee, who is always so enthusiastic about the bands he loves, and who always has such great taste in music. He predicts that 2008 will be Metric's year. In other music news, there are some really great shows coming up in Toronto this spring, in addition to the Verve and Thunderheist, who I blogged about yesterday. Tokyo Police Club are finally playing a normal show here at the Opera House in early May. Their last show was at the open air Nathan Phillips Square on a frigid late-January night. I would have gone, but I was moving. Another band I might be interested in checking out is the Kills, who are at the Opera House on May 6.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Verve Reunion Show in Toronto May 1st

One of my 1990's cult heroes, Richard Ashcroft, and his band the Verve have reunited and will be playing a show in Toronto this May. The Verve were responsible for the amazing 1997 album Urban Hymns, one of my favourite albums ever, and broke up prematurely due to conflicts between Ashcroft and other band members. After their breakup Ashcroft recorded Alone with Everybody in 2000, another fantastic album. The Verve will be playing at the Ricoh Colliseum in Toronto on May 1st and I am really going to try to make it to that show.
In other concert going news, I just bought tickets to see a new local band called Thunderheist. I was actually eavesdropping on the girl singer from the band on my way home one night, checked out her band on myspace, and really liked them. They are playing Lee's Palace on April 11.