Monday, July 06, 2009

Long Time No Blog

Oh my goodness, it's been forever since I've blogged! Sorry faithful reader(s)!! I wish I had a good excuse, but I really don't. I have been using twitter and yelp quite a bit, and I guess I just have too many websites to fuss over. Yes, I know, weak!

So, first things first....television! Tyler and I finally took the plunge, expense be damned, and subscribed to HBO Canada, which is actually really awesome, though questionably worth $20/month. We did this to facilitate my addiction to the series True Blood, or as I like to call it, "the best show on television". This season is even better than last season, and I almost went into shock when I found out that it wasn't on last night (4th of July holiday). If you haven't seen it yet, all of the episodes are available on demand if you get HBO Canada. I also watched the first episode of Hung, about a male escort living in Detroit. We also get the Movie Network and the Movie Network on Demand, so I have been able to catch up on some movies, including the amazing documentary "Roman Polanski, Wanted and Desired" about the great director. This is really worthwhile, and probably one of the best documentaries I have seen. Otherwise, I have been watching the new season of Weeds (still freaken hilarious) and as always, tons and tons of Law and Order.

I found an interesting Toronto blog the other day called Me and My Toronto . I haven't really had a chance to check it out thoroughly, but what I did see was pretty impressive.

I spent the weekend basically relaxing at home, including a Saturday night of (nearly excessive) wine drinking. Enjoying the summer, even if it doesn't really feel as if it's started yet, and looking forward to seeing Bruno next week!